Mobile App Development Agency Ashburn VA, Mobile App Development Company

Top Nine Mobile App Development Trends To Keep An Eye On In 2023

It is hard to make changes in the mobile app development industry because of the incredible innovation. If you want to build an application to grow your business, now is the time to learn about the top trends that will take the spotlight in 2023. Because trends will play a significant role in determining your performance in the year 2023, organizations must keep an eye on them to stay ahead of the curve. Hence, our mobile app development agency in Ashburn USA is here to tell you about 9 upcoming mobile app trends to look for!

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

In the year 2023, Artificial Intelligence will grow even more rapidly as more businesses look to adopt the technology by hiring AI developers. The incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) into the development of mobile apps will result in smarter apps that can be utilized for a variety of purposes, including the management of extensive data and the investigation of customer behavior.

The mobile app developers' level of creativity has also increased as a result of the rise in Artificial Intelligence's stature, which gives them more room to think freely and demonstrate their genius. For instance, Google's Duplex is an AI program that can autonomously make calls based on your instructions. It may assist local businesses in scheduling numerous appointments. Duplex is evidence of AI's rise to prominence over time.

Super Apps

Super apps behave like superheroes and can carry out a variety of functions. A super application is a collection of multiple applications designed to carry out multiple tasks or offer services. Uber, for instance, is facilitating services like restaurant reservations and transportation. On-demand features, payment, social media, GPS, eCommerce shopping, and other features can be found in the super apps, which may be designed for employees or customers.

The multi-purpose interface of the super app development keeps everything under one roof, saves space on mobile devices, and gives businesses more ways to make money with more people using it. It makes perfect sense to build a great app due to the immersive benefits, skyrocketing usage, future trends, and high business ROI.

Internet of Things

The Internet of Things will unquestionably be a significant trend in 2023 due to its wide range of applications. IoT will connect approximately 20 billion devices, according to a Gartner study, generating $300 billion in business revenue. The primary factors contributing to the rapid expansion of the IoT device market are the rising demand for smart homes and the increased use of connected devices in offices. In addition, IoT devices are safe, and the fusion of big data makes it easy to store all important information in a highly synchronized manner. Subsequently, organizations will have a wealth of data from which they can choose, which means that predictive analysis maintenance will see an increase.

Emphasis on the 5G Technology

Mobile networks using the 5G technology are 100 times faster than the 4G networks that are already in use and have enough bandwidth for signals to flow. In addition to speed, the technology will significantly increase the level of 3D gaming, data security, and augmented reality. With the advent of the 5G network, signal strength won't be a problem, so more businesses will be able conduct different fields of work with this technology.

Mobile Wallets

The global market for mobile wallets is anticipated to be worth $46 billion by 2028. One of the main reasons people started using mobile wallets was the COVID-19 pandemic, and it is safe to say that the habit has stuck. There were over 779 billion transactions in the year 2020 alone, and this number is expected to rise over time.

In 2023, new trends like biometric authentication, NFC (Near Field Communication), and voice-activated payments will propel mobile app wallet growth northward. Developers of mobile wallet apps will profit greatly from this. The future of a digital payment app looks great, even though mobile wallet developers will need to use effective strategies to ensure a higher user retention rate in the face of growing competition.

Voice Searches

In the United States, voice searches account for more than 40% of all searches, and this percentage is even higher when we take into account people between the ages of 25 and 49. As a result, you will need expert assistance to incorporate voice search.

Now, the mobile app's content must contain keywords relevant to your target audience's language. The spoken language of the mobile app cannot contain difficult words, and the written language is drastically different everywhere. In addition, app development companies should consider using hyperlocal data because it will attract more customers and is relevant to voice searches. With Siri, Alexa, and Google Home, market leaders like Google, Amazon, and Apple have already shown a lot of interest in creating voice-based products.

Touchless UI

After Covid, the idea of a touchless interface to make things easier to execute while maintaining social distance picked up steam. In the field of developing mobile apps, the no-touch interface that is powered by AI has emerged as a star. “By 2023, 50% of all major business applications will include at least one type of no-touch experience,” as stated by Gartner.

Biometric authentication, in which eye retina or face detection is used for two-layered authentication, is already well-known in mobile apps. Open-air gesture controls, augmented reality, virtual reality, virtual assistants, the Internet of Things, and brain-computer interfaces are all components of the touchless interface. We anticipate mobile apps that track users' eye movements as they scroll to learn more about their preferences. However, the interfaces are vulnerable to security attacks, necessitating extremely precise development to eliminate any gaps.

OTT Apps

Netflix has awakened the world to the potential of Over-The-Top (OTT) apps. By 2024, the OTT market is expected to be worth $88 billion. The wide range of content and the ease with which users can watch their preferred content from the comfort of their own homes are some of the factors that have contributed to the phenomenal growth of OTT platforms.

Contrary to popular belief which holds that developing an OTT app is expensive, agencies like us can create an OTT app at reasonable prices. Given the popularity of OTT content, we believe that video streaming app development will continue to be a strong trend even in 2023.


There are numerous advantages to using cloud technology for mobile app development. Among the advantages are lower costs for web hosting, increased loading capacity, enhanced security, and simplified business operations, to name a few. Developers of mobile apps now have access to cloud technologies like Dropbox and AWS's cloud solutions, which make it possible to create powerful apps that use up little storage space. By 2026, the market for cloud computing is expected to be worth $947 billion. In 2023, the dominant trends will be hybrid cloud solutions and quantum computing.


In conclusion, the current trends in mobile app development are all set to take center stage and support your company's expansion, as they have always done. The businesses that work to collect the changes will succeed in the market, while those that do not will fail. With upskilled tech experts, hiring the right mobile app development company can help your business stand out from the competition. To avail our services, or to know more about our mobile app development agency Ashburn VA, visit